Clara Alder

Hey! I'm Clara and I do web dev. I specialise in HTML, CSS/SASS, JS and Craft CMS. I also have a background in game development and graphic design.

I've enjoyed attending Codebar—a non-profit initiative which runs programming workshops—for many years, both a student and as a tutor.

I'm currently available for freelance or full-time work, remotely or in the Brighton area. Please get in touch!



Game Jams

I've taken part in six game jams. The following are some of the games that I was involved in making:

Arcade Box

An arcade box built to play 'Wave or Waive' and 'Mallardies'. Both games have the same unusual control scheme of one button per-person. This was built using an Arduino Leonardo clone and allows for three people to stand beside one another, each with their one button.


Below are some of the logos I have designed.


Click on the images below to view my other artwork.

WIP Experiments

Social Media

This website was made with HTML, SASS and JS.